Well, I had so much fun with the Mini Eggplant that I decided to attempt designing something else. But I was fairly stumped and unsure what to make next. And then it came to me and what I ended up with was this Mini Banana. I'm really happy with how it turned out and hope you give it a try. Just follow the link below for the pattern. By the way, if you do make one and you are on Ravelry, please post a pic of your project...I'd love to see it!
Here's the pattern for the Mini Banana
how funny is that banana!?!?! LOVE IT!
hahahaha..... it's so tiny.
It is darn cute! But what will I do with it? ...oh... make a "bunch" of them? (moan, sorry.) It needed to be said. Jo
I added it to my fruit basket:
The peel was a challenge, and I'm trying it again to get a better shape. The banana was too soft to go in, and I had to thread the peel tail up through the peel and pull it in. Have you checked that, Ken?
Hi Ken!
I am an editor of AllFreeKnitting and would love to feature your patterns on my site with full credit to you. I know my readers would just love it and in return would generate some nice traffic to your site. If you agree and would like us to feature your project, our readers will simply click the link to your blog to get your full tutorial. It's really that simple.
I see you have lots of other great patterns on your site as well and I would be interested in featuring even more! If you are interested in featuring more projects like this one with links to your site, I can create a nice bio page for you as well as one of my Featured Knitting Designers. This page will include your bio and links to your site as well as any social media you would like to promote.
My site is part of Prime Publishing and we publish 19 cooking and crafting web sites. We have over 3.5 million active e-mail subscribers and about 10 million page views per week. You can learn more about us at www.primecp.com.
Please let me know if you would like to get started. Just a reply to this e-mail is all it takes.
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you!
Nicola Trumbull, Editor
Prime Publishing LLC
3400 Dundee Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
847-205-9375 Main | 847-513-6099 Fax
Came here from all free knitting! And though a few people there might be hard on this pattern don't listen! I'm with the people that see the charm in it :) I look forward to browsing your site as well. Thanks for the free patterns! You make it easy for us broke knitters to keep busy! I have many cool ideas for this mini knit.
The pattern won't download! :(
I ennjoyed reading this
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