Saturday, December 2, 2006

Christmastime is here...

Well, we've finished all of our Christmas shopping for friends and family, with the exception of one person. What a big relief that is! And as a present for each other, we're going to take a step into the present (or maybe I should say past...) and get cell phones! We've been putting it off for years, complaining everytime we see someone in a restaurant, a movie theater or in their car gabbing away like there's not tomorrow. But I think we just can't deny the sheer convenience of it anymore.

We got our Christmas tree up and it's lit, but undecorated. We are in no rush to decorate it because we both love the simplicity of it as is. But the decorations will no doubt find their way onto the tree eventually! Our house is a gambrel style and has vaulted ceilings over the living/dining area, so we were able to get a fairly tall tree. We weren't, though, able to get one with much width. We managed to find one on our land, out behind the house...after much trudging through the woods and hoping we hadn't crossed onto the neighbor's property!

Ok, well I'm off the do some knitting (gasp!). Yes, for the first time in a couple days I'm going to sit down and knit and hope to show some actual progress. Keep your fingers crossed that I'll actually have something to show by next post!


I first heard Irish-born artist Katell Keineg when I worked at the record store in the local mall back home in PA. We had gotten in a copy of her first album "O Seasons O Castles" for in store play and I was hooked. She has an amazing voice and is one hell of a storyteller. She falls into the folksy singer/songwriter category most easily, but is much more than just that. Get a taste by listening to "Hestia"


Anonymous said...

The tree looks lovely. It's amazing how great a Christmas tree can look with just lights on it, isn't it?

BEESTLYproducts said...

cell phones!!!! welcome to the 21st century!!! LOL!!!! we just ordered new ones, I can't w8 until they get here :-)

Mel said...

We haven't gotten beyond talking about a tree, but if it happens, I think it'll be a 3ft. artificial on top of the dog's crate. Our 350 year old house has scant 7ft. ceilings and no available floor space to speak of. And then there's the little matter of the cats, who love the shiny sparkly ornaments.

Anonymous said...

What a great tree. We still don't have cell phones...hmmm. But we may get ourselves a new computer so we can get off of Windows ME. Where in PA? I was SO GLAD to leave there (harrisburg area). I can blather on about all that's wrong, but this sums it up "philadelphia and pittsburg and alabama in between". But we go visit about yearly, dh's sisters are in mechanicsburg and most of the rest near philadelphia. And I am SO GLAD to get over the bridge and back where it's relatively sane.

Confessions of a Knitting Diva said...

I love your tree!! We put ours up yesterday, but no lights or ornaments yet. My hubby and daughter went to the Packer game today, so I guess the tree will wait for tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

OMG! you've finished your Christmas shopping! Wow, that's just too organised. I love the simplicity of the tree, it looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love the tree! It is so simple, yet so elegant!